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1. Burning Daylight
Beneteau First 35
Bob Liddell
2. Celtic Rowers
Sloop 43’
Helmut Hardt
3. Intrepid Misfits
Jenneau Sunrise 34
Jonathan Hart
4. Rio
J 120
Joost van der Wal
5. Team Carpmaels
Dehler 34
James Getgood
6. Grand Slam
Westerly Typhoon
Mike Croxall
7. Mercian Regiment
Andrew Nickolas Hadfield
8. Tramontana
Sigma 38
Peter Elms
9. Vagabond M.C.
Sloop (Masthead Bermudan)
Bryan Mullarkey
10. Wight Rose 2015
Reflex 38
Geoff West
2015 Team List

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